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Buy Ferrite Cheap, Buy Ferrite Twice


There are lots of manufactures out there that can undercut the market leaders. But even though this may seem to be the most cost-effective option on the day, think again.

Most ferrites sourced from the far east require a large MOQ upon order meaning the smaller quantity that you require is out of the question. Most of these ferrites that you bought cheap at a ‘one off’ price is almost always a non-standard size.

Cross referencing tools then become void as a completely different part with similar properties would have to be found and redesigned into a project along with the additional accessories used like bobbins and clips.

This is all beginning to add up right?

From industry experience these cores are often not what was originally promised on the manufacturers datasheets with misshapen and bowed cores with incorrect surface finishes which all have negative impacts on the expected performance, these cores will often break much easier than those of the market leaders. All of these negative impacts effect a cores performance causing more hysteresis and eddy current losses as well as more anomalous losses, all this culminates to make a much less efficient core which could negatively affect the whole circuit.

Bowed Cores
Bowed Cores

However when you look towards the market leaders like TDK and Ferroxcube you can rely on the cores to be standard shapes and dimensions with each batch maintaining consistency with the last. You can also guarantee the cores performance will be what the datasheet promised due to the various guidelines and quality procedures the factories go through before shipping any product! Gateway ensures that all products have full batch traceability and that parts are correctly packaged for transport. We also have a relationship with all market leaders to ensure that full support is given to all customers, for all specifications!

Misshapen Cores
Misshapen Cores

As said before, at the time these cores may seem the best option price wise. But if these cores show the devaluing properties explained above this would incur a further cost for repurchasing or having to put a project on hold for a working part that would do just the job and deliver!

Our in-house Machine Shop facility can also modify ferrites to meet customer requirement. We stock a wide range on standard ferrites from the market leaders. Using a surface grinder and CNC milling machine we are able to create bespoke cores that meet the specification of the customer. We also have a strong relationship with engineers from Ferroxcube and TDK which recommend our in house facility to their customers with medium production runs.


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